The strengths of EKR Orchestra
Taking advantage of the EKR Orchestra Method brings countless advantages in terms of efficiency and effectiveness for your company: you just have to discover them with us.
Below you will find a summary of the main features and benefits of EKR Orchestra.
- Extreme customization
- Reduce time-to-market
- One place to store information – Single Source of Truth
- Best for off-line publishing
- Great on-line publishing
- Great Excel integration
- Consistent / “Consistency” / Data Quality Accuracy
- Reduce Ambiguity
- Import / Export
- Marketing Automation
- Security
- Workflow
- Approval and Access
- Web-to-Print
- Standardize output (DITA, Etim, BMECat, BIM)
- InDesign integration
- Illustrator Integration
- Photoshop Integration