Static Off-line Media
Static media, from catalog to brochure, require durability and reliable data: EKR Orchestra makes it possible to achieve these objectives with efficiency and precision

In companies there is an increasingly strong dichotomy between the needs of the offline and online world.
First of all, there is what needs to be written and lasting, for example the technical documentation, the test data, the specific technical sheets, in which the concept of scripta manent is important; in these cases, the company releases the product with definite and indisputable, stable, guaranteed information – as far as the offline world is concerned.
On the other hand, there is a need for dynamism in which the searchability of information, interchangeability and the relationship between information are fundamental.
In this second case, it is important that all the information made static and armored to accommodate the need of the offline is extremely quick to consult, search and compare, to allow further business activities internal and external to the company.
The information domain can also be the same, or in any case most of the offline info can be used with great results in the online world, but the media that allows its use is structurally very different.
EKR has solved this need by entrusting the saving of information to two completely different worlds: firstly, the information necessary for maximum granularity is managed through the Information Warehouse, an extremely capillary data structure that allows arbitrary granularity and absolute precision. at the expense of this great flexibility; however, the performances are not suitable for real time access.
With this technology, EKR covers 100% of the needs of the Static Media world and guarantees the company a high quality information safe.
To respond to the needs of Dynamic Media as well, Elastic Search technology was then integrated, mature and present in the IT world for decades, but recently made a comeback in the global interest.
EKR uses this technology as an environment for high performance research towards its PIM Portal, but also towards any other downstream system to access information characterized by a high number of search parameters, with high quality performances that access through a delay arbitrary, usually of a few minutes, to the information present in the Knowledge Base at the end of a normalization that allows very detailed information to be used very quickly.
Products for Static Media