Price modeling: would you go all the way to Stockholm … on foot?
Price modeling if done only in Excel is inefficient and imprecise. Instead Correct Share (CS) by EKR Orchestra introduces an efficient centralized system
Renewing the price lists should be a quick and painless operation
We often find ourselves doing things that are not at all useful for our purpose.
An American anthropologist, David Graeber, has written a book entitled bullshit jobs – translated into “cabbage jobs” in the subtitle of the Italian edition published by Garzanti. The book gives some examples of jobs, including paid jobs, which are totally useless, superfluous or harmful, which not even those who carry them out can justify their existence, even if they feel obliged to pretend that they are not.
YouGov, a company that presents survey panels, asked Brits in 2015 if they thought their work contributed positively to the rest of the company: 37% said no, while 13% were unsure.
Here, the fundamental point of the article is just this: doing price modeling using only Excel sheets is useful and effective when going to a meeting on the other side of Italy to discuss a detail, in the era of videoconferencing.
The ubiquitous Excel, which revolutionized accounting in the 1980s, has not kept pace with the needs of modern corporate units. Errors can come up because the data in Excel is separate from other systems and is not updated automatically.
Translated: waste of time and decrease in the effectiveness of the activity.
- Shareable between multiple company functions
- Traceable: the system keeps track of who changed the data when and why
- Historicizable: EKR CS stores the history of each modification with the possibility of restoring the data at any point in the history.
- Easily recalled by each user in their Excel file